Safe Surfing There are practices that you can adopt to keep your computer hardware , software and network safe from viruses, hackers, spam and other things that gum up your online life. Some issues could just be a hiccup and other issues could take down your website or whole network. Techweez suggest that you start with a fast and reliable internet provider. Your system can be compromised with an unsafe internet connection which could allow unauthorized hackers in. Good practices and the right tools will help to keep your system safe. It’s suggested to develop a network security policy whether it be for home or the office. Know what a threat looks like. These are referred to as Phishing Attacks. Hackers are looking for easy targets just as a robber will look for an open door. This could be in the form of an email from someone who looks like a trusted source telling some story and asking for your passwords, birth date, social security number and other im...